Leo Oliveira, Web Developer

Scroll down and get to know me and my work a little more.

Who am I?

My name is Leonardo Oliveira, a 27 years old web developer based in Brazil.

Parallel to my Computer Engineering degree, I worked with graphic design for 4+ years in the Digital Marketing industry, and I always leaned towards dealing with user interfaces when trying to intersect my work experiences with my interests in technology and development.

The ways the dev community has found ways to surpass the limits of web technologies to enable new and innovative experiences for the user has always been fascinating to me, so in 2019 I dove deep into front-end and never looked back!

Hard Skills

Have a look at the technologies and libraries I’m most experienced with.



UI Frameworks



Soft skills

One my most proeminent features in the teams I've been part of is my ability to communicate clearly and straight-forward, no matter the language. I can keep my colleagues aligned regardless of their field, position, work experience or the situation at hand.

Since my childhood, I have always consumed english content due to family incentive and my ever-growing interest in unraveling the world. In a very organic and natural way, english easliy became my second language, giving me the ability to reason in english and have conversations with no problem at all.

I had the opportunity to integrate many multi-country teams and hone my english over time while learning from all sorts of cultures and work experiences from small and large companies from all around the world.

Before working as a front-end developer, I've worked for 4 years as a graphic designer in marketing teams and agencies, producing all sorts of creative pieces both for digital and printed medias. As I became more and more interested in development, I brought over my knowledge and aesthetics to the front-end, standing out with pleasant and coherent interfaces even without a dedicated designer in the team.

Throughout my career, I had the opportunity to lead projects and multidisciplinary teams. This gave me experience in keeping the team aligned and the workflow organized even without a dedicated project manager around.


Here are some of the companies I’ve worked with, as well as the main projects I helped them develop.

Talk to me

Liked what you saw? Let’s talk about how I can contribute to your ideas & projects through the channels below!